Tag Archives: hair clip

Lil Firecracker Felt Hair Clips

25 May

Lil Firecracker Felt Hair Clips

Little Firecracker Felt Hairclips Free Tutorial by American Felt and Craft

With 4th of July right around the corner I thought I’d share a felt tutorial for the little firecracker in your life.
These super easy little felt firecracker hair clips can be made in a matter of minutes and are real show stoppers!

You will need:

Felt in desired firecracker colors I used Cadet, Lipstick, and White.

Hot glue and glue gun

Hair Clips

To Make:

Cut each of your felt 3 colors into 5″  x 2″  rectangles.

Stack colors together and sew or glue pieces together along one of the long sides.

This will keep the hair clips from coming apart.

Cut fringe into felt leaving a 1/4″ base where you glued the pieces together.

Felt Firecracker Hair Clip tutorial

Place  length of glue along the 1/4″ uncut bottom and carefully roll up, you don’t want to burn your fingers.

Roll up felt to create firecracker

Cut a small circle from felt and hot glue to base, the easiest way to do this is to cut a small circle glue in place and then cut to size.

How to make felt firecracker hair clips - glue base to firecracker bottom

Hot glue clips to back

Finished Firecracker hair clips

Poof felt back up and marvel at your skill.

Little Firecracker felt hair clips tutorial from American Felt and Craft - The Blog

And now gratuitous pictures of my daughter…

Red, White and Blue felt firework hair clips tutorial

4th of July felt firework hair clips tutorial

Happy Crafting!


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Easy no sew felt hair clip

Box of Chocolate Hair Clips

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Soft Tooth Fairy Pillow Box

Valentines Day Box of Chocolates Felt Hair Clip

24 Jan

This one goes out to all you non-sewers out there!

Easy no sew felt hair clip

Will need:

Bright red thick wool felt I used: Cardinal  a few layers of blend felt might work too.

Various Brown felt scraps, all the colors here came from the Chocoholics felt pack

Alligator hair clip

Hot glue gun

Felt Glue

Beads and cross stitching thread (optional)

Templates (at bottom of post)

Cut templates out of corresponding colors.

(for help on cutting small things from felt see: Andie’s Method for cutting small shapes)

You are not allowed to laugh at my stitching one of my New Years Resolutions is to learn proper embroidery stitches. If yours are worse than mine, which is hard to imagine or if you are just in a hurry you can substitute stitching with more beads or just leave the shapes plain.

1. Brown embroidery thread stitched lengthwise

2. Pale Yellow embroidery thread stitched in a zig zag pattern

3. Small bead felt glued

4. White  embroidery thread in an S shape

5. Brown bead glued down

6. Plain

7. Smaller shape felt glued to bigger shape.

Allow these pieces to sit while you cut out the felt heart shape and a strip of felt to cover the perimeter approx 1/4″ inch wide by 9.5″ inches long.

Apply felt Glue to edge of heart shape.

Run Strip of felt along side and pin to hold.

Let everything sit for about an hour.

Remove pins.

Glue chocolates into place, the easiest way to do this is to place a small amount of glue onto the tip of a pin and place the glue onto the heart.

Carefully put the chocolates into their spaces allow to dry for 30 minutes

Turn Clip over and hot glue clip to back

Give to your Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day!

American Felt and Craft online felt and craft store , over 100 colors of felt by the sheet! Ships worldwide.

Don’t Get Pinched!

3 Mar

Without a doubt St. Patrick’s Day is heavily celebrated in this house, I’d love to tell you it’s because my kids appreciate their Irish heritage, or because my youngest was born on St. Patty’s day but that would be a lie.

Around here the 17th is revered for one reason – pinching!

My oldest son has made a tradition out of pinching the first person he sees not wearing green since…well since he had a brother he needed an excuse  to pinch!

To be fair he will tell you it isn’t he that does the pinching it’s the leprechauns. You see wearing green no matter how tiny the amount makes you invisible to the leprechaun’s and it’s a well-known fact leprechauns, like my eldest, love to pinch.

This a great project for using up those small scraps of felt and when glued or sewn to a barrette or pin it’s sure to keep those pesky leprechauns at bay. And if you have a little man who needs some leprechaun insurance feel free to leave off the lady bug and attach it to a pin backing.

You will need:

Scrap felt in the following colors and sizes

3″ x 6″   Fresh Cut Grass

1″ x 1.5″   Black

1″ x 1.5″ Lipstick

Black cross stitch thread

Green contrasting cross stitch thread

An embroidery needle

Hot glue gun & glue

Item you want to attach your shamrock to (hair clip, headband, barrette, shoe clip, pin backing etc…)

Step 1:

Cut out your felt pieces you will need 2 shamrock pieces and one of each of the other pieces. For tips on cutting smaller shapes see our blog post.

Step 2:

Place wings on top of your ladybug body. I liked the way mine looked when it was off-center but I won’t judge you if you decide to go the standard route.

Thread your needle with the black embroidery floss and create french knots where you would like the lady bugs spots to be, this will be enough to hold the wings to the body you will need to add a spot or two after the fact to attach ladybug to the shamrock so leave a little room or don’t and use glue instead, we’re pretty flexible around here.  Need some help with french knots…fear knot, ok forget that I made that horrible joke and just read our tips here.

Step 3:

Place your shamrock pieces together and using embroidery thread create a running stitch around the perimeter.

TIP: using coordinating but not matching green floss creates more visual interest without being too distracting but again feel free to go all matchy matchy if you like.

Step 4:

Place lady bug where you want her on the shamrock and attach by creating a few more french knots, you can also use a felt glue to hold it in place.

Step 5:

Attach your finished piece to the clip (or whatever you have chosen) with hot glue which works better with metal than the felt glue. Please note you NEVER want to use hot glue on a visible part of a felt project and use extreme caution if you go the acrylic felt route as it is plastic and WILL melt.

When creating a hair clip I like to cut a small rectangle of matching felt and place it over top the side of the clip I have just glued down,  both for the neat appearance and for added stability.


Now go find someone not wearing green and pinch away knowing you’re untouchable!

Copyright American Felt and Craft all rights reserved. For personal use only.
